I honestly don't know why I can't quite stick to posting regularly on this blog, but it doesn't mean I'm giving up on it, even though this is a brief post really just to point you in the direction of this new
Band Of Horses track which I think sounds excellent, more on the blog soon (hopefully).
Band Of Horses-Is There A GhostPre-Order:
Band Of Horses-Cease To Begin----------------
Now playing:
!!! - All My Heroes Are Weirdosvia FoxyTunes
Unfortunately, after an encounter with death, Bertram can see ghosts all of whom want his help to resolve their unresolved issues with the living world.
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A ghost is said to be the apparition of a deceased person, frequently similar in appearance to that person, and usually encountered in places she or he frequented, the place of his or her death, or in association with the person's former belongings.
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When dealing with ghosts do not look for any rules or absolutes. There are circumstances that seem to create a more ghostly atmosphere, but there are no guarantees on predicting when and where a ghost will appear. A ghost may appear once in a hundred years or once every Tuesday. It could haunt a house or dwell in a small spot in an open field.Ghosts have been known to interact with the living or just make acknowledgment with a quick glance or eye contact. In other accounts the ghost seems unaware of the presence of living people and appears to be acting out some part of their own life.
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Do you know that most of the earliest ghosts were not there to haunt or scare people? Actually, most early ghosts were said to ask the people they interacted with to properly bury the ghost’s body or to give information to help a loved one. Even some of the world’s oldest writings include interacting with the dead. One example of an old ghost story took place more than 2,000 years ago.
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The reality of ghosts is a vexed subject which divides believers and skeptics. The study of ghosts is both the subject of folklore and also, since the nineteenth century, of the investigations of parapsychologists, who have attempted to refine the vocabulary used in describing ghostly phenomena. Summoning or exorcising the shades of the departed is an item of belief and religious practice for spiritualists and practitioners of ritual magic.
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